Luka van Genderen

There are nearly limitless ways to explore our beautiful world, each with its own merits, challenges, and lessons to teach.

For many of us, traveling is a chance to broaden our horizons and experience new cultures. Some of us seek out leisure and relaxation, but we can often get lost in the hustle and bustle of holiday planning and tourism-induced stress.

My name is Luka van Genderen, and I'm here to inspire some of you to embrace your inner adventurer in new and unexpected ways. I wholeheartedly believe that we were never meant to stop playing in the mud; to rise with the sun and plant our feet firmly on the earth.

I've spent many summers and autumns traveling through Europe, spending time in nature.

Whether it's hiking through Europe's ancient forests, cycling through picturesque countryside, or backpacking from town to town, few things are more rewarding and relaxing than the journey itself. It's all too easy to take life - and the many conveniences we've come to expect - for granted.

There is true value in stepping away from the familiar and the comfortable to gain perspective. After all, what are we,if not a painting unfinished? If we don't take a step back and return to our roots, we risk losing sight of the bigger picture and the progress we've made along the way.

As a kid, I loved camping. Our family often took long trips along the Croatian coast, creating some of my fondest memories - many of which were made while living out of a tent. But as I grew older, things changed. My focus gradually shifted towards studying, leaving me with less time to reconnect with my love for the outdoors.

I rediscovered my love for nature in the summer of 2019, in Northern Italy. My family and I were staying in a villa with friends at the time. There, I had the extraordinary fortune of meeting a woman who decided she wanted to take a train to the base of a nearby mountain and climb it. At first I was perplexed by the idea, perfectly content to lounge by the pool and enjoy the summer breeze. But she insisted I join her, dragging me from my beach towel for this crazy adventure. I'd never climbed a mountain before, and it definitely showed. Completely out of shape, I struggled for my life while she bounded from step to step, climbing over rocks as if they weren't even there.

As we ascended, we shared stories of how we had arrived at this point in our lives - the unexpected twists, fortunes, and challenges life had thrown our way, and how we chose to face them. Before I even knew it, we had reached the top of the mountain.

In that moment of mutual introspection, surrounded by the silence of nature and the challenge of our climb, I felt the first sparks of my adventurer's spirit rekindle.

Since then, I've been in love with the world, and I hope to share that love with those still hesistant to pack their bags and set off. For me, culture and nature go hand in hand. I don't believe you can fully appreciate one without experiencing the other.